Saturday, March 23, 2013

Just as a Pearl is Formed

Once, upon receiving Our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist, I tasted not sweetness, but the bitterness of sin and the suffering of Christ, all the while knowing the sweetness of the fruits that spring from such soil!

And I realized, that just as we use refuse to fertilize earthly gardens, so God uses the refuse of the sufferings from sin to bring forth life and beauty and fragrance!

The Lord showed to me how, just as a pearl is formed from debris, so He can form a beautiful soul in holiness using the poor materials of our sinful natures.

This is why, He told me in answer to my frequent question, He comes to us even while we are yet in the depths of sin! This is why He has not turned His face from us despite our iniquities, but has kept after us, seeking our hearts, which belong only to Him!

As a lover seeks the beloved, so has the Lord sought us!

We should not fear the brokenness of our own hearts, for it is through the wounds of our hearts that He enters, and shines forth through the cracks!

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